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Further speakers announced: 18 November

The Breakup of Britain conference will focus key issues for progressive politics

Scotland’s Radical Independence Campaign co-founder Jonathon Shafi and Norwich South MP Clive Lewis are amongst the latest speakers to be confirmed for the major conference taking place in Edinburgh on Saturday 18 November.

Democratic Left Scotland is one of the event’s sponsors, together with Europe for Scotland, Compass, OpenDemocracy, Bella Caledonia, Verso Books and several other organisations.

Shafi and Lewis will join other high-profile figures including Caroline Lucas, Brighton Pavilion’s Green MP, Scottish independence campaigner and journalist Lesley Riddoch and Kojo Koram, author of Uncommon Wealth: Britain and the Aftermath of Empire.

The event organisers say: ‘The greatest danger to our democracy is the status quo. A once suffocating but stable British consensus has been replaced by an increasingly authoritarian state coordinating assaults on immigrants, the labour movement and the right to protest …

‘The cry for an “independent global Britain” in the Brexit referendum made sovereignty a live issue, as it expressed a desire to end unaccountable elite rule. Tragically, this sentiment was displaced onto the EU, distracting from the major culprit: Westminster. Now Brexit is failing and progressives across the UK, Ireland and Europe need to develop an alternative vision for the future of these islands. This is an urgent strategic priority for democrats of all parties and none’.

Find out more about the conference – and book your ticket!

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