Plans to build links between the community and the trade union movement
Southern Scotland has just seen the Eden festival. TRNSMT is coming up in Glasgow. And of course, there’s Edinburgh and the fringe. Another festival that’s being planned aims at being a step towards making trade unionism a part of the daily life of the majority of Scotland’s citizens.
The recent rise in trade union activity and strikes have raised public awareness of the unions, and the Scottish Trade Union Congress (STUC) has made a particular contribution through its campaigning and its co-ordinating role.
In April 2024, the STUC’s annual decision-making conference will bring trade unionists together in Dundee’s Caird Hall for a second consecutive year. Mike Arnott, Secretary of Dundee Trades Union Council, the local trade union co-ordinating body, will preside over the event.
With that in mind, an organising group came together recently to begin a discussion about a festival of trades unionism in the city. Things are at an early stage, but the plan is to see a range of activity from film showings to banner making, school talks to guided historical tours. The organisers will invite unions and others to promote trade unions, their work and values that underpin their existence.
Speak Oot! Dundee’s Festival of Trade Unionism will take place from April 12th to April 28th, 2024. Democratic Left Scotland members are encouraged to get involved and spread the word. We will keep you in touch with developments.
Published June 2023